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Areas of Expertise
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About Sonic Tech
Areas of Expertise
We have direct experience in the following areas, and would be pleased to
use what we have learned to assist you in your work:
- Using acoustic and ultrasonic measurement instrumentation, including
hydrophones, scanning tanks, software. We literally, "helped write the
book" on this topic. We can design, upgrade, customize, train, or audit.
- Designing Polyvynilide DiFluoride (PVDF) sensors and transducers. We
have designed both hydrophones and sources, and have intimate experience
with fabricating, bonding, poling, and using PVDF. Some the hydrophones we
designed and built have been working for nearly ten years with no shifts in
sensitivity. Sonora currently sells
using our designs.
- We have worked with transducers from kilohertz sonar transmitters to 50
Megahertz PVDF receivers
ultrasound for scanning wood or brushing teeth.
- Specifying product design elements. Since we do not manufacture
transducers, for instance, we can help customers to select the best vendors
for their needs. Often, customers "know what they want" but don't know how
to specify the transducer, or adequately insure it's compliance with a
specification. We can work to bridge the gap.
- Managing product design and implementation. This involves developing
specifications, coordinating vendors, instituting testing procedures, and
writing device master records. We have helped a number of clients, either
working through their system, or bringing to bear our network of product
specialists. We can coordinate any or all phases of the design and
implementation, from electronic design, PCB layout and fabrication,
transducers, and software, to regulatory testing and government submissions.
- Writing Grant applications. We have generated over $2.3 million in grant
funding over the years, and Dr. Schafer is currently a reviewer on both R01
and R43/R44 (SBIR) grants for the NIH. While we are not a "grant writing
service", our experience can be of value to companies applying for grants
or writing coherent technology descriptions for marketing or business plan
- Building small businesses. Dr. Schafer has been an entrepreneur since
1985, and has built several companies to the point of acquisition by other
firms. Both focus and vision are necessary, but a working knowledge of
potential pitfalls is also important when building companies.
- Managing R & D programs. Research and Development is all about asking
the right questions up front in order to eventually answer the needs of the
user. Our years of experience have given us the tools to understand how to
move as quickly as possible from one stage to the next, without overlooking
items that often come back to haunt the process later.
- Conducting innovative research. The basis of all this technology is a
fundamental understanding of ultrasound, including how it propagates,
interacts with materials, and affects biological systems. We have a proven
track record, in patents, grants, publications, and, most importantly, in
products, that demonstrates our capabilities to conduct research and then
apply it to the marketplace.
- Making presentations on technical topics to lay audiences. Over the
years, we have made presentations not only to scientific audiences, but
also to non-technical ones, such as users or investors. The ability to
relate difficult concepts in a meaningful way is often the key to wider
acceptance of technology or a company. We are at home in the operating room,
the assembly room, or the board room.
- Conducting Due Diligence investigations. The blend of technical knowledge
and business experience allows us to quickly establish both the feasibility
of a new idea, as well as how well a company can bring it to market. We have
advised clients about the buy/invest/partner decisions that are key to
strategic growth.
- Providing Expert Witness testimony. We have experience in both corporate
patent infringement and restraint of trade issues, as well as patient injury
suits (from both sides of the dispute).
- Assisting in manufacturing scale up. We have worked on ultrasonic consumer
products involving thousands of units per month. We are familiar with the
design of products and processes suited to low cost manufacturing, especially
in China. Our work has involved design, testing, assembly procedure
development, vendor qualifications, operator training, and process control.